why khadi ?

29 07 2009


Since it is the month of our independence, I feel its right to share a little something I wrote on “khadi” and its present relevance.

Khadi is a term that encompasses in itself a lot. At first mention to me, it only conjured up the clichéd rough handspun cloth. However that is just the tip of the iceberg.

It was the symbol and essence of our freedom struggle, the most powerful instrument that was principally responsible for uniting the whole of India into one force against the British. It symbolized revolution and it perhaps needs to be resurrected again.

It is this silent movement, which is inside of all of us, it is the basic human need to be independent and in control of ones’ own future.  It is of self-reliance and growth for people, the community, the country and the world.

Khadi is an amazing answer to the extraneousness of Consumerism. Consumerism creates a world that is fleeting and constantly changing with an almost pervasive frivolity. The ends are justified the means are not. Harboring itself on dissatisfaction, and creating desires for that which is elusive and unattainable. And the results are for all to see; depletion of natural resources and the entire natural eco-system is buckling in.

“What we need today is a revolution of every individual’s thought process, an injection of a little humanity into every deliberation”(from an article in the Hindustan Times)

Khadi, really is a possible way out. Its relevance now is unimaginable, because it offers a philosophy for a way of living that signifies freedom and self-reliance in the true sense. Concepts of sustainability are so intrinsically built into it, that the khadi – model could actually offer us solutions to most problems. Where khadi was the symbol of our freedom struggle, I think it can now be the mantra of freedom for the whole world. Everywhere we have people running out of inspiration and employment. Khadi is the enterprise of uplifting yourself, creating positive opportunities for everybody. It seeks to unite. It’s a feeling that builds up from within. That really is the true essence of khadi.